Friday, April 10, 2009

Knock-Knock, Open Up!

*Pound-Pound* 'Open up!' said the 2 Vampires at the door. My Mommy quietly crept along the hallway to see who it was... And guess what? It was the Ministry of Children and Families! First, they came here at 11:20.a.m, , without an invitation or  appointment.  In 2hrs time,  they interrupted my Mommy's Peace, again ... This time, they convinced Trevor, our new security guard to unlock the door to get in, because they were "concerned". ! Totally not legal!

My Mommy was shocked. Not to mention, sitting alone on a chair, with a big towel wrapped around her. She'd just had her 3rd hemorrhage in 6 weeks. No wonder! The two social workers kept telling my Mommy they had to talk to her. Don't they even care? The new worker, Lisa, said, " This is really scary ...". My Mommy corrected her and told her, " There's nothing scary here. Nothing at all". Shut them right up! Boy, is my Mommy so smart!

Then, unhappy Heather asked ,  " Is Kaelin here?" . She told them I was at the beach. I left at noon to meet up with our good, old lady friend, Freeda. I played with the kids at lunch time, and on the beach, later. I bet they went searching for me, just like a couple of weeks ago, at the W. Van library, where Lisa came and said, "Hi Kaelin, I would like to talk to you for a minute". I told her, "You have 5 minutes". And, she only nodded. She asked me, "Does your Mother have rage problems?". I said, "No. My Mother is perfectly fine. She's beautiful. Perfect in all ways". I don't think she heard what she wanted to hear. After, she told my Mommy a totally different story. Trying to tear us apart,  like they did before... Now that is SCARY!

I wish the Monster Ministry would just leave us alone! Can't wait until I'm 18! Not that I am in a hurry. But, for this, I might be ....

Just wait until they find out about the new lawyer. If they are so worried about us moving, this month, not that we are not allowed the freedom to go anywhere we want. Isn't this a free country? 

Mmmmm..... Maybe I' m just around to make the ministry more money. I hope not. I hope it's to piss them off ...


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Go Monkey Man - Go!

A few days ago, my Mommy and I went to Marpole, to look at three places to live. We chose the first one, which was the best one. It is a 1000 sq ft - 2 bedroom, facing a beautiful tree, with windows in every room. The other two weren't as good. One was facing an alley-way, where I saw 2 people hosing down their dog!

After, we went to the park. And, sadly, we were late for the 'natural phenomenon' which happens five times a week, at 3:00 pm. The ringing of the school bell, where 100's of kids come streaming and screaming out of the school .... The best part was seeing my best friend, Alexander, and playing grounders, and basketball, for over 2 hours. 

We had our photo taken by my personal photographer and I was taller than him. A stair-step higher ...

After 3 hours of playing in the sunshine, I was a wee bit hungry. So, my Mommy took me to Gorilla Food Cafe, to fatten me up and eat me ... I had some soaked tamari almonds. Boy, did they ever taste good. Almost as the Chocolate Butterfly - with a walnut topping, that I devoured for a rawk'n dessert. 

Since we were only 2 hours too late to order dinner, my Mommy took me to Capers on Robson, to fill up my plate and starving stomach. Gotta feed that 72 ft intestinal tract with my great green salad and Cool Ruby juice!

And, for dessert ... One sizzling bath-bomb planted into a pot of water ....

Your going to love this video!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Things That Go "Boom" In The Night

Yesterday, my Mommy and I saw a car going up in flames. When we saw  the fire, we were like; 'Oh... cool ... what is that called again...?' It was the very alarmed driver, who really alerted us, at the bus-stop near the Bayshore Hotel. We were boarding, when he said, "What the H... is that over there... Is that a FIRE?!' We turned around and there was a huge blaze over near the parking lot and everywhere, cars were driving away like maniacs. Interesting how no one had really stopped to notice.

Then, I said to my Mommy, "Gimme the camera! I'm go'in in!' I got in really close, it was so cool, but not for the people that owned the vehicle. Especially when a huge "BOOM" was heard and I saw dozens of feathers fly up into the air!!!

Hope you enjoy my close encounter of the warmest kind ...


Remember, I kept a bus-load of passengers waiting. Not to mention, some marshmallows close at hand ...


Monday, April 6, 2009

Cat Got Your Tongue?

Yesterday, my Mommy and I went to Langly to see a place where we were planning on maybe moving; with the Horse's in the  barn... It was a working farm; right near the U.S Border, along 0 ( Zero ) Ave! We where going to rent a 30 ft mobile home on wheels, in the middle of nowhere.

There was a firepit in the yard with a dog and a cat; both were trying hit each other. There were bull-frogs near the pond  ... everywhere.

The Landlady said that this was nothing, you sould hear them at night!

Hope you enjoy this video.

It's not too BAAAAAAAD!


Best Birthday Ever!

Saturday night My Mommy and I went Downtown to buy a camera for me!
It was my birthday and now I am 13!
We rode the Bee-Line to Vancouver and bought it at London Drugs; for only 155$, along with a bag and a 2g memory stick.
My Mommy also rented 4 Videos; Family Guy - Blue Harvest, Tommy Boy, The Incredible Hulk and my Mommy's choice; Hancock, because my Mommy and I both love Will Smith.

This is a Great Video/Pics Of My AMAZING MOMMY!

Giving my Mommy hand - picked flowers!