*Pound-Pound* 'Open up!' said the 2 Vampires at the door. My Mommy quietly crept along the hallway to see who it was... And guess what? It was the Ministry of Children and Families! First, they came here at 11:20.a.m, , without an invitation or appointment. In 2hrs time, they interrupted my Mommy's Peace, again ... This time, they convinced Trevor, our new security guard to unlock the door to get in, because they were "concerned". ! Totally not legal!
My Mommy was shocked. Not to mention, sitting alone on a chair, with a big towel wrapped around her. She'd just had her 3rd hemorrhage in 6 weeks. No wonder! The two social workers kept telling my Mommy they had to talk to her. Don't they even care? The new worker, Lisa, said, " This is really scary ...". My Mommy corrected her and told her, " There's nothing scary here. Nothing at all". Shut them right up! Boy, is my Mommy so smart!
Then, unhappy Heather asked , " Is Kaelin here?" . She told them I was at the beach. I left at noon to meet up with our good, old lady friend, Freeda. I played with the kids at lunch time, and on the beach, later. I bet they went searching for me, just like a couple of weeks ago, at the W. Van library, where Lisa came and said, "Hi Kaelin, I would like to talk to you for a minute". I told her, "You have 5 minutes". And, she only nodded. She asked me, "Does your Mother have rage problems?". I said, "No. My Mother is perfectly fine. She's beautiful. Perfect in all ways". I don't think she heard what she wanted to hear. After, she told my Mommy a totally different story. Trying to tear us apart, like they did before... Now that is SCARY!
I wish the Monster Ministry would just leave us alone! Can't wait until I'm 18! Not that I am in a hurry. But, for this, I might be ....
Just wait until they find out about the new lawyer. If they are so worried about us moving, this month, not that we are not allowed the freedom to go anywhere we want. Isn't this a free country?
Mmmmm..... Maybe I' m just around to make the ministry more money. I hope not. I hope it's to piss them off ...