I have created this blog so that; I may share my great life, the friends I have, plus; SO THE MCFD CAN LEAVE US THE RAW FUDGE ALONE! I live my life gratefully, with my Butterfly Mommy, sharing our love, happiness, and Food. I hope that these blogs reach your heart and your soul; may you feel free to leave a comment! =D I love my Mommy! I live with her because I love and want to, there is love here, and kindness, and that is why my blog name is the happy homelearner!
Monday, December 20, 2010
This fucking blog sucks!This fucking blog sucks!This fucking blog sucks!This fucking blog sucks!This fucking blog sucks!This fucking blog sucks!This f
Saturday, November 20, 2010
1st Snow Of The Season
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Here's the definition of Gang-Stalked.
Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form. Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc. It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators." "primary targets are woman, minorities, dissidents, whistle blowers, etc"
Gang Stalking is stalking by more than one person to a victim, usually involving community harassment, or the "mob", using people from all backgrounds and vocations to harass, tracking 24/7, sometimes organizing lethal vehicle accidents, poisoning's, electronic harassment, home invasions/property destruction, corrupt or ignorant doctor diagnosis given to stamp the victim as bogus mentally ill with delusions, paranoia, or schizophrenia, etc. Everything is done covertly, and with a sophisticated real time dispatching system to organize the criminals' harassment's and attacks, often in the hundreds to thousands of criminals participating as a coordinated mob at any given time while the criminals due their normal routines of work, shopping, commuting to and from work, leisure, etc., using the method of moving foot and vehicular surveillance techniques, and computers, cell phones, verbal and visual cues, and every other conceivable type of communication.
Often, the local network of this mob is connected to a national and international network - funding is done by illicit drug industry/crime syndicates, CRIMINALS working in: corporate environment, and government sponsored terrorism for military weapons research using unconcerning human medical research testing
Gang Stalking is really a covert government or police investigation. It's similar to Cointelpro or red squads, and it's being used on a lot of innocent people to ruin them and make them look crazy. Gang Stalking is all about government disinformation, and using civilian spies/snitches to help with stalking and monitoring innocent people.
This is exactly what is happening to our life, exept that this time ... it isn't the government. It is our landlord and neighbours!
My amazing Mommy first found out about this, through a friend in facebook, after he had watched one of our many great videos on www.youtube.com/lifeofagreatmommy
Friday, September 24, 2010
Arbitration Hearing
As written in documents that our smiling snake of a landlord dropped off at our door, yesterday.
-1. "My son C. was taken on two different occasions, without my consent, by Katherine Marion my neighbour.
C. was allowed to play for one hour with the son of Katherine.
Both times, my son was not returned to me until 0200.
The second time this happened I had to call the police and file a 'missing child report."
Katherine had taken my son downtown Vancouver on a bike on one of these occasions. I was able to get her cell number and call, when I did call they were downtown. The second time this happened, she did not have her cell phone on. I left a note at her door to return C., however she disregarded this note.These situations have caused a lot of stress and trauma for myself, and I feel my Sons safety is stake."
Now, in my very own words, first of all, we once did go bike downtown, because C. had told us that M. was sleeping at 5:00 p.m and we did not want to leave him alone, like he is usually is, because he is only 8!
Another unbelievable excerpt:
-4." My babysitter told me that Kaelin (Ms. Marion's son) taught C. how to make a bomb(?) with the flint portion of the matches.
This was not long after the garbage bins outside in back of the apartment were set on fire, causing a lot of concern for every ones safety. "
Kaelin replying - I'm over here: Why would I teach a 8 year old how to make a bomb, even if I knew how ?
Once M. even went through my pants, when they were about to be put in the washer, and supposedly found a pack of matches and claimed that I, completely angel- like kid, had set fire to some garbage bin. What's she doing going though my clothing, anyway?
And, there is even more from the gamers that live downstairs and stay up all night. Our landlord says they are going to university, but I wonder ... ?
*"Constantly forgetting her keys in her apartment and shouting upstairs at her son to let him or throw down the keys."
*"When calling to her son, makes a bird call noise.This happens minimum once a day."
*"These bird calls and instances of forgetting her keys occur anywhere from 7 am to 2 am, typically occurring directly outside my bedroom window."
*"Prior to a meeting with the landlord in July, would play music loudly past midnight. More often than not, the same CD would play on repeat until past midnight."
*"Once played "Stairway to Heaven" on repeat for eight and a half hours (approximately 60 times consecutively)."
*"admitted in meeting with landlord that she often would leave the music on while leaving the apartment for bike rides or shopping trips"
*"Would throw water out her window facing the front lawn. This water would hit the window below (my window)."
*"Threw a yellow-brown viscous substance (claimed it was a banana smoothie/puree) out her window. Substance stuck to window, staining it."
*"Upon request to clean the window, she claimed she would and then did not clean it for several (more than two) months. Ignored several notes tapes to the window requesting it to be cleaned and not only ignored it, but put a video in YouTube mocking the situation."
*"Spent nearly every day during the summer sunbathing out on the front lawn. Would spend the time either listening to music or talking to people who walk by, often for hours on end and always in a monotone voice that made sitting in my living room unbearable."
*"Her attitude made entering the building from the front door while she sunbathed extremely uncomfortable."
*"Completely ignores personal boundaries and disrespects others. Approaching her about any of these problems resulted in hostile behaviour and discouraged any interaction with her.
This bit is from S.S., our landlord.
-{"Dear Mr. or Madam Arbitrator,
My name is S.S. I am the Landlord of ************** in Vancouver where Ms. Katherine Marion and her son, Kaelin presently reside.
On July 27th, 2010, I've served the eviction notice to Ms. Marion due to numerous complaints from several tenants.
In addition to the complaints from Ms. M.T. and Mr. R.M.,I've noticed that Ms. Marion and her Son, Kaelin repeatedly leave the outside door unlocked regardless if numerous warnings. There is also a suggestion from a tenant that a fire was set at a garbage site by them. The tenants' security and safety are the most important and priority issues.
Furthermore, another tenants Mr. J.B. and Mrs. M.B. moved out from our building early this year due to a disaccord with Ms. Marion. Mr. and Mrs. B. felt their safety and livelihood were in danger because of Ms. Marion. There is no proof but Mr. and Mrs. B. felt that Ms. Marion sent them two anonymous threatening letters.
These are my submission in regards ti the eviction of Ms.Katherine Marion.
Kind regards, S.S.
From Kaelin-
I just wanted to let everybody know that we have to deal with these dumb people.
By the way, last names were erased to protect the not so innocent!
"Liar Liar Pants On Fire."... is all i have to say.
I hope winter comes and freezes their lying ******** along with the rest of them!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Kits Gym
When we awoke, I hugged my mommy with all of my might and then i got ready to go out side and play with some of my friends at the park.
Before I had put on my shoes, my mommys friend Larry called and my mommy started talking to him so i got onto the computer and started watching some national geographic and then I looked up cob houses and I found a whole bunch of really interesting houses!
Now my mommy is blending some great food up for us to eat while i type this blog.
After this, I'm going to walk my mommy halfway to kits gym and then I'm going to come home and upload some more videos.
Here is my amazing mommys YouTube channel www.youtube.com/lifeofagreatmommy
you will love it!
Friday, September 10, 2010
My Mommys Mommy
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Crack Train

She said "Fantastic" and I ran off into the sunshine.
Friday, August 27, 2010
My Hair!!
Any ways, when I was walking along the ally, a car drove by and then about 1 minute later, 3 teenagers surrounded me and restrained me, cutting my Hair.
Now my mommy Is soo upset and is crying because of what happened, boy did that ever suck!
My mommy also called the cops and they came by in a swat truck and asked a bunch of questions about what happened and about the people, so i told them and then my mommy was stopping a lot of random people and telling them not to walk in the alley-ways cuz there was a gang, then she stopped this RED head and started talking to her about The Agora (www.agoranews.com) and about how we where going to have a huge ceremony with beads and stuff in my hair.
Now my mommy just left and went to get food instead of me.
Its been 2hrs sense my mommy left to get food and now I'm wondering where she went!?!?
Now I'm going to download some videos onto youtube.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Blue Berry Jelly-o-Jam + Vancouver Under Cover fuzz :D
After I Played for 2hrs I came home and hugged my mommy that was super tired cuz she went to bed at 9:30a.m. and so I hugged her once more and we went out to the front lawn to talk.
When we were walking out the backdoor, my mommy crushed my left hand fingers in the door, so that's why I'mmm wrriittingg soo sllooww...
Then we got onto the front lawn and the Fuzz came by and asked us to let them in the building, so we did and then after they were inside, I walked around and then while I was walking, I was stopped by some Hot Dog lady asking me if I was alright and if I was feeling well, and I said I'm doing fine and asked her who she was and she told me that she was with the fuzz...
How strange is that?!
Then I came straight home and told my mommy what happened and she said that we have to leave soon, i agreed.
After that, I went down stairs to get charlie and draw with him. When he came up with me to our place, we drew and had some miso soup and then we went into the doomroom while my mommy was talking to out new landlady.
When Charlie left, I got onto the computer, downloaded videos onto www.youtube.com/lifeofagreatmommy.
The Blue Berry Jelly-0-Jam
2 cups of frozen blueberry's
1/2 cup of ice
1/2 peach
2 tlbs Honey
Blend until smooth and leave it in the fridge for up too 3hrs.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
It Came from the Tree sir, The tree!
So i got up and then I was like, I can't believe this, it must not be true!
Alas it was... when we walked into the living room, I heard a scuttle and then my mommy was like, "Agggghhh! L-look at it! What was that!?"
Then we ran around trying to find out what was making all of this sound... The my mommy turned around and looked at the mini tree next to the TV in horror! a Rat had climbed up the mini tree, dangled on the branch's hit the Tv and flopped back onto the floor, but not fast enough till we both screamed like the little children we really are and clutched at each other starring in horror at the rat that was now in our house, running around.
My mommy told me that she had gotten up 1hr earlier cuz she had heard a noise in the living room and thought that someone had come to rape us both!!!
But Infuriatingly, a rat had somehow either climbed in though the tree in our front lawn, our had come up from the heater, but my mommy thinks that it climbed up from the kitchen sink drain, popped out and began terrorizing my poor mommy.
What kind of sick rat would do that?!!?
Anyways, after we had barricaded our selves in with "The Agora" and mirrors, we called Antoni (my mommys x-boyfriend) and Sean (our land-lord - Slum-Lord) asking to help us in our desperate plead for help before the rat got us.
Then I got onto the computer and searched up Natural Ways To Kill Rats.
When my Mommy had calmed down, but was still scared like hell, she went to bed and now I'm supervising the Barricade and Typing down this blog.
I'm not afraid of any Rat's!
Agh! The Rat jump up off the ground from the living room and is flying through the air in a karate kick.
eeeeeegtttaaach! (super afraid scream)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Landlord vs an amazing mommy!
The group meeting started with a whole lot of talking, partly because my mommy was late by 40mins!
Anyways, My mommy was battered by Ryan and Marianne, who ran away after about 5 mins.
My mommy said it was Kangaroo Court.
After Marianne left, Sean said to my Mommy that she didn't want My Mommy or I seeing Charlie anymore, and my mommy said that she should just get a restraint order.
Then Ryan said to Sean, Mommy and I that my Mommy was bragging to our nextdoor friend from across the way named Bob that my mommy was saying that she didn't have to pay rent, cuz she contributed flowers!!!
Then My Mommy is totally angry and totally tearing them up!
Good for you, mommy! 333333333333333zillion cheers for her!
I love you amazing mommy!
That's not even all of it. It is soo stupid that this building is trying to get rid of us! Its not so easy.
Anyways, after Marianne left, Ryan pulled out a sign with Please Do (___) Disturb. The ''Not" was torn off. I thought it was pretty funny.
So Ryan asked if we knew anything about this and my Mommy said that we didn't do anything to the sign.
Then both Sean and Ryan said that they didn't ask if we did it, just if we knew anything, so my mommy then asked if this was a Detective Novel.
After, Ryan talked about my Mommy sun-bathing out in the front lawn, said that he didn't like it, and that my mommys music was horrid and he didn't like it that she played it for up too 6hrs! (we are always biking)
After my mommy left and went inside, i eves-dropped on Sean and Ryan talking downstairs about my mommy. Sean said to Ryan that he was going to see if he could ban everybody from the lawn.
Now my Mommy is talking to Antoni and I'm writing this blog.
This is how amazing out love is!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Greg, Mommy and I!
Greg (my amazing mommys ex-boyfriend from 30 years ago) has been visiting my mommy and I for a while since last xmas, he bought me this computer that I am typing upon.
Then 2 weeks after he was here, he came again and brought a LCD (Plasma...?) 33inch TV and with it a wii!
Then a month after he visited AGAIN and he just watched a ton of movies.
Now in 2 days he is coming here and we are going to watch some movies!
I just can't wait!
Untill next time...
Katherine & Kaelin The Happy Home Learner
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Solar Energy
1.) Solar energy works by converting the sun's rays into electricity with the use of solar panels to supply power to the appliances use in our homes.
2.) Solar energy works by converting the sun's rays into heat with the use of solar thermal collectors for warming water, i.e. for the swimming pool.
3.) Solar energy works by converting the sun's rays into hot air for heating buildings with the use of solar thermal collectors.
Now, take a guess how the solar panels work.
1.) Rays of sunlight hit the solar panel (also know as a photovoltaic/ PV) and are absorbed by semi-conducting materials such as silicone.
2.) Electrons are knocked loose from their atoms, which allow them to flow through the material to produce electricity. This process whereby light (photo) is converted into electricity (voltage) is called the photovoltaic (PV) effect.
3.) An array of solar panels converts solar energy into DC (direct current) electricity.
4.) The DC electricity then enters an inverter.
5.) The inverter turns DC electricity into 120-volt AC (alternating current) electricity needed by home appliances.
6.) The AC power enters the utility panel in the house.
7.) The electricity (load) is then distributed to appliances or lights in the house.
8.) When more solar energy is generated that what you're using - it can be stored in a battery as DC electricity. The battery will continue to supply your home with electricity in the event of a power blackout or at nighttime.
9.) When the battery is full the excess electricity can be exported back into the utility grid, if your system is connected to it.
10.) Utility supplied electricity can also be drawn form the grid when not enough solar energy is produced and no excess energy is stored in the battery, i.e. at night or on cloudy days.
11.) The flow of electricity in and out of the utility grid is measured by a utility meter, which spins backwards (when you are producing more energy that you need) and forward (when you require additional electricity from the utility company). The two are offset ensuring that you only pay for the additional energy you use from the utility company. Any surplus energy is sold back to the utility company. This system is referred to as "net-metering".
It sure is amazing how sientists found this out.
I think Entain is cool now.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Just Us
My Mommy loves the gym - and I can tell that she loves it by the way that she moans when she only gets a 25min workout.
Then I tell her that 25mins is better than nothing at all.
When I awoke at a time I can not say, My Mommy got me ready to go out side, giving me lemon-water and then E3 (its super spicy and super green).
E3 is a some kind of algae from some far away lake - full of anti-oxidotes and caesium. Its incredible that some little bottle of green powder could hold soo much power!
The lemon-water that my mommy gives me is for my G-I track - it flushes out your tummy for something yummy!
After I did all the stuff I needed to do, I went for an amazing walk for my amazingly incredible mommy, dropping off 'The Agora'(its a newspaper that my mommy is going to be writing in soon) at all of the door steps that my mommy and I passed.
A couple of hours before that I had stapled my mommys rawsomechef card onto the front of the newspaper - so my mommy was getting free advertising!
After I had walked my mommy to her gym, I walked to Choices and bought 3 raw bars for my mommy and I(2 for her and 1 for me), a bottle of water, along with 1 box of brocui sprouts.
Brocui sprouts are full of anti-oxidants too.
I then ran home and right away I called my Mommy - letting her know that I was safe and saying sorry for not calling her when I was at choices, like I was supposed to.
So I read until my mommy came home.
Then she arrived and I turned on the computer for her, setting up her blog and telling her what I had been doing.
Then Robin called and My amazing Mommy started talking to him and while she was talking to Robin, I was cleaning up the 2nd bedroom, (or as I call it - The Doomroom) but after awhile, I got onto the computer and now my mommy is eating a salad, finished talking with Robin, and I'm writing this blog.
I wish that the world would stay like this forever, no MCFD, no Neighbors, just us and our life that we have made into something amazing.
Just us.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
1st day Spring!
I wonder what spring is going to be like...
When my Mommy and I were walking to her gym, we passed a bunch of tomato bush in a garden and my mommy told me that gardener's plant their seeds in the spring.
How fascinating!
Then after I dropped my amazing mommy of at her gym, I walked all the way to karrisale to swim, but i was 15 mins late.
Then I got some yu-gi-oh cards and I pulled a 41 dollar card!
What an investment!
Then I meet a very old friend and I played with him while my amazing mommy talked to his mom for 5hrs!
Now My amazing Mommy is going to write a blog of her day - I can't wait to read it, and you should too!
Here is my mommys blog; www.supernaturalwoman.blogspot.com - be sure and check it out!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Kids now'a days!
My (ex)friends always talk about Porn and Sex In The City (a tv show - just goes to show how glad I am that I don't own a t.v.) almost all of the time.
The only reason why I even kept them as friends was because they were good people when I left marpole, 2 years ago. Now I know that they are just ... I don't really want to say it.
Since they had been talking about porn, I decided to look it up... and I was disgusted with what I read from the description from many websites.
I now know how ugly the Internet has made innocence.
I feel almost tainted by it.
Porn demoralizes woman and puts them on the lowest of the low. That's the number one reason why I hate even the thought of it. It makes me feel ill.
I researched it more and saw what categories it comes in... I almost puked because of it.
What really makes it sad is because when my Mommy was on the computer, writing a beautiful blog about me, she saw what I had searched up and we got into a big misunderstanding.
Now I'm glad that its over with and done.
Just a note to all mothers and fathers, make sure to carefully monitor your child's Internet browsing, especially at a young age.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Genie
I had promised my mommy that I would go for a bike-ride with her some day and so I did!
We biked all the way to Capers on 4th ave and bought 2 Pineapple's because they have a really big deal - only 2 for 7 dollars!
After that, we biked across the street and went into Saje, buying oils and a new steamer - The genie!
I can't wait to set it up, it'll be soo much fun!
After that, we biked all the way to Organic Lives and ate some raw vegan sushi along with delicious flax crackers and seed cheese.
Now I'm going to go to sleep!
Good Night!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today I played alot with all of my friends - Good Jerry, Jerry, Michael and Omond.
Boy, is it fun to play Tag, Team-tag and Grounders with all of my friends.
Anyways, when I awoke, I went into the living room and wrote some poems, then I heard my friends outside my window. I looked outside and a bunch of hands waving at me. They asked me to come with them and play at D.L.G., but I couldn't, because I still had not written my daily journaling pages.
So I finished my writing and ate some pineapple (I LOVE PINEAPPLE! PINE APPLE IS THE BEST! I SHOULD HAVE A TE-SHIRT SAYING IT!).
I ran to D.L.G. and met with my friends, and we played a bunch of games. After we played, I walked to Omond's place and called my mommy. Then I ran back home and waited 1hr for my Mommy to get ready to go to the gym for her daily work-out that she has not been getting lately. While I was waiting for my Amazing Mommy, we were called by my friend Jerry, and I made a plan to go and play with him after I walked with my mommy. I walked to Jerry's and played hide-and-seek out in the dark, it's the best!
I went home and called my Mommy, while eating a salad. After I did all of that, I got onto MY computer and was just about to play my new computer game: Civilization III, when my Mommy came home. What perfect timing!
My Mommy got onto my computer and started writing on facebook while I made her a salad. Now I'm going to watch some National Geographic and go to sleep.
What a fun day!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Vanilla Hemp Powder! Yum, Tasty!
The 2nd game is Grounders, where in a group of 3 or more, one person is "IT" and has to close their eyes when they are on the designated structure.
When the person that is "IT" is on the ground, they can open their eyes.
If they think if someone is on the ground, they can yell "Grounders" and who ever was on the ground is it, if anybody was there.
The 3rd game was Manhunt, where the person that is it has to run from a group of 2 or more, and when the person that is "IT" is caught, he (or she) can chose who he want to be it.
That sums up what I played today.
I was also invited to a birthday party, but I don't know if I am going to go...
Now I'm going to eat my Vanilla flavored Hemp Powder that my Mommy bought. That silly person.
Friday, March 5, 2010
My review on "SICKO"
Grace, the Master Gardener, only has her gardener and she can't even pay him. So her gardener sits her down and Grace tells him that she would do anything for him, because he has been so kind to her in her hard time's. So he replies by asking her to come with him to the Church's garden to pick up some plants growing there. Grace finds out that the plants are really Marijuana and then she starts growing it to pay off her debt.
I guess I'll leave the ending for whoever is reading this to find it out.
Anyways, SICKO - the movie by Michael Moore, is about American health care and how its sooo expensive just to re-attach a finger, when you can just have it done for free in any other country. It is truly amazing.
Now I'm going to go and play Civilization 3.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I Just love her soo much. When I got up today, I hugged her and made some Greens+ along with Lemon in water (not really in that order..) then I wrote in my jounal for 1hr and sat in the sun, thinking about what a beautiful day it was, when all of a sudden, a big dark glummy cloud passed over (under..?) the sun, blocking the warmth. I heard a moan, a groan and then a scream... a big truck tire smashed our window and though the jagged glass I glimsed a purple-lish pastey patch of skin. Then a tree crashed onto our house crushing it. Then it started raining Lavender drops of oil.
I Heard more moans down below me on the lawn, I peeked over and gasped. Where ever the Lavender oil hit, a Lavender patch sprung up!
I senced movement across the road. I looked over, and an Adult was walking with his umbrela over his head just walking, when he walked over to my side of the road, he saw something that startled him, dropping his umbrela.(maybe he had a bad nose or he didn't mind the smell of Lavender, but it was intoxicating for me.). He started to turn, but he was soaked with Lavender oil and it seemed he had just noted it. After he got out of thinking about it, there were nubs on his hands and face, then lavender sprung up from his skin!
He started to scr-
"Kaelin?" "Yes?" "Come here, please."
I went over to my mommys bedroom and showed her my writing and then I went outside and played with kids from D.L.G.