Monday, May 18, 2009

Kaelin The Grateful!

I am love! I am joy! I am Happy! I am Heaven! I am rich! Gratitude is just words, unless you feel it deeply like I do. To really feel the power of gratitude, you must express it in any way you can. That is the way I think of being grateful!
I think pure gratitude is giving.

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.

I appreciate the things I have!

Sometimes when you don't at first, have the courage to change, everything changes around YOU! No matter what, the universe molds itself around us to suit our purpose.

Focus is creating. Focus with love and be loved.

I am on the right road to the right place.

Yesterday I played a new game. I made up Blessed Tag. Boy, was it fun!


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